How the Purple App Funnel can help you expand your user base (Part I)

Timo Lamour

With every app release, you should also consistently think about your app marketing funnel. In other words, a complete strategy to help you grow your app's user base. In this series, we will show you in detail how the Purple App Funnel can play a crucial role in your marketing plan and ultimately help you increase your user base.

With every app release, you should also consistently think about your app marketing funnel. In other words, a complete strategy to help you grow your app's user base. In this series, we will show you in detail how the Purple App Funnel can play a crucial role in your marketing plan and ultimately help you increase your user base.

The Purple App Funnel

The Purple DS app funnel

Part I covers the first step of the marketing funnel and looks at how you can increase awareness of your app with the help of the Purple Recommendations Engine.

Part II covers the second and third steps of the marketing funnel, i.e. how to get prospects to install your app and eventually discover your content.

Part III covers the fourth and fifth steps of the marketing funnel. On the one hand, it's about how to use individual campaigns within the app as key actions. And on the other hand, how to make your customers return to your app again and again(retention).

Part I:
App Marketing Funnel Step 1: Awareness

If no one knows about your app, it's impossible to get downloads and eventually paying customers. The goal at this point is to demonstrate the value of your app to the potential user, provide them with great content, and build a relationship. Basically, it's about trying to hit the exact interests of your readership and provide relevant information.

Also, since the end of April 2018, you can make your app content discoverable via Google. This is another great way to increase awareness for your Android apps.

App Marketing Funnel Step 1: Awareness

To be clear from the beginning, it is of course very important that you continue with your usual marketing activities. This includes advertising, various activities on your social media channels and spreading news about the app on your website.

You can also use the Purple Recommendations Engine right at the start of your app funnel.

In short, the engine helps you save time and find quality articles for your audience, which you can then embed on your website. When a prospect clicks on a particular article on your website, after reading about 50% of the text, they will either be prompted to go to your app and continue reading there, or they will be recommended a series of other articles that fit the topic. This function of smoothly redirecting interested parties to your apps is the true strength of the Purple Recommendations Engine.

Recommended User Flow

Let's take a closer look at the recommended user flow.

Case #1: App is not installed

Case #1: Not installed app flow

If the interested party has not yet installed the app, he will first be prompted to download the app. After successful download, he will see the "Subscribe" button within the app. In addition, based on the content of your article, the engine will suggest further articles that either complement or deepen the topic.

Case #2: App is installed, but no content subscribed to

Case #2: Installed app but not subscribed

If the interested party has already installed the app but has not yet subscribed to any content, he is redirected directly to the app. In the app, the algorithm then prompts him to sign in before he continues reading. This is another fantastic way to get users to visit your app.

Case #3: App is installed and content subscribed, but output is not loaded

Case #3: Installed app, subscribed but not loaded

If the interested party has installed the app, has a valid subscription, but has not downloaded the respective issue, he will automatically be prompted to download the issue from the kiosk.

Case #4: App is installed, subscribed and issue is downloaded

Case #4: Installed app, subscribed and loaded

If the interested party has installed the app, has a valid subscription and has already downloaded the issue, the desired article is displayed directly in the app via a deep link.

Increase engagement with content and social media

Increase engagement with content and social media

Finally, if you aren't already, we strongly recommend you become more active on your social networks and free yourself from the web/app divide. By using cross sharing on all your social media channels as well as on your websites, you create a coherent and connected user experience. This interconnectedness leads to more potential users becoming aware of your brand.

Read the second part here: How the Purple App Funnel can help you expand your user base (Part II).

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Kevin Kallenbach
Head of Sales